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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - clock


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Перевод с английского языка clock на русский

1. часы (настольные, стенные, башенные) hanging clock —- висячие часы the face of a clock —- циферблат часов to wind a clock —- завести часы to put the clock on —- переставить часы вперед the clock is fast —- часы спешат the clock gains —- часы идут вперед 2. табельные часы-автомат, таймер clock card —- хронокарта; карта контрольных часов 3. биологические часы (организма) circannual clock —- регулятор годичной жизнедеятельности 4. время what o'clock is it? —- который час? it is five o'clock —- пять часов 5. груб. "вывеска", лицо, рожа he sat there with a grin all over his clock —- он сидел и ухмылялся во весь рот 6. разг. таксометр, счетчик такси 7. разг. спидометр 8. разг. счетчик пройденного пути (автомобиля) like a clock —- как часы; пунктуально, точно, аккуратно when one's clock strikes —- когда пробьет час to set back the clock —- тормозить развитие; повернуть вспять колесо истории around the clock —- круглые сутки to sleep the clock round —- проспать двенадцать часов подряд или круглые сутки to work against the clock —- работать с большим напряжением, чтобы выполнить задание в срок to kill the clock, to run out the clock —- тянуть время (в футболе) 9. хронометрировать время (на скачках, состязаниях) 10. спорт. показывать время to clock the best time —- показать лучшее время 11. засекать время прихода на работу и ухода с работы (с помощью автоматического приспособления) 12. груб. дать по морде I'll clock you one if you annoy me again —- будешь еще ко мне приставать, получишь в морду 13. стрелка на чулке (украшение) 14. диал. сидеть на яйцах 15. диал. кудахтать
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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) часы (стенные, настольные, башенные) he worked the clock round - он проработал круглые сутки - like a clock  2) what oclock is it? - который час? the clock strikes for him - настал его час to put/set back the clock - (пытаться) повернуть назад колесо истории; задерживать развитие  2. v.  1) отмечать время прихода на работу (in, on) или ухода с работы (out, off) (на специальных часах)  2) sport показать время he clocked  11.6 seconds for the 80 metres hurdles - он показал время 11,6 секунды в барьерном беге на 80 метров  3) хронометрировать - clock in - clock off - clock on - clock out - clock up II noun стрелка (чулка) CLOCK in начинать работу (особенно в установленное время) Most of the workers clocked in before  8.30 this morning. CLOCK on начинать работу (особенно в установленное время) Most of the workers clocked on before  8.30 this morning. CLOCK out заканчивать работу (особенно в установленное время) The workers in this factory clock out at  5.00. CLOCK up  а) отмечать пройденное расстояние The old car has just clocked up another 50,000 kilometres.  б) отмечать (успех) Now we can clock up another victory for our team. CLOCK off заканчивать работу (особенно в установленное время) The workers in this factory clock off at  5.00. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  – biological clock – molecular clock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. фиксировать время какого-либо события - clock in - clock off - clock on - clock out ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) часы 2) время измерять время 3) генератор тактовых или синхронизирующих импульсов; задающий генератор; синхронизатор 4) схема синхронизации 5) синхронизация; тактирование 6) датчик меток времени 7) тактовые импульсы; синхронизирующие импульсы синхронизировать; подавать тактовые импульсы 8) включать в работу (напр., какой-л. блок устройства) around the clock — круглосуточно, круглые сутки clock gains — часы торопятся hand of a clock — часовая стрелка clock looses — часы отстают pertaining to clock — часовой, относящийся к часам to wind clock — заводить часы - annunciator clock - idle clock - instrument-panel clock - master clock - medical clock - pendulum clock - portal time clock - pulse-driven clock - quartz-crystal clock - real-time clock - receive clock - ship's clock - sidereal clock - slave electric clock - time-of-day clock - timer clock - travel clock - tuning fork clock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) часы 2) тактовый генератор 3) (тактовый) сигнал – alarm clock – built-in clock – cesium clock – coordinated clock – day clock – digital clock – DoD-master clock – equipment clock – false clock – independent clock – local clock – master clock – nodal clock – principal clock – pulse clock – quartz clock – radioactive clock – real-time clock – receiver clock – recovered clock – reference clock – remote clock – rubidium clock – slave clock – synchro clock – time clock – transmitter clock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) часы 2) хронометрировать 3) мера (генератор) частоты (для измерения времени) 4) тактовый генератор; синхронизирующий генератор, генератор синхронизирующих импульсов, генератор синхроимпульсов; генератор тактовых импульсов; синхрогенератор 5) синхронизирующий сигнал; тактовый сигнал; синхронизирующие импульсы, синхроимпульсы; тактовые импульсы 6) синхронизировать; тактировать 7) мн. ч. декоративный узор на чулочно-носочных изделиях - astronomical clock - atomic clock - biological clock - bit clock - cesium clock - crystal-controlled clock - crystal clock - day clock - digital clock - electric clock - electronic clock - marine clock - master clock - molecular clock - operating-time clock - pendulum clock - phase-shifted clock - primary clock - pulse clock - quantum clock - quartz clock - real-time clock - recovered clock - reference clock - secondary clock - sidereal clock - simulation clock - slave clock - square-wave clock - suppressed clock - synchronizing clock - synchro clock - time clock - time-of-day clock ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 an instrument for measuring time, driven mechanically or electrically and indicating hours, minutes, etc., by hands on a dial or by displayed figures. 2 a any measuring device resembling a clock. b colloq. a speedometer, taximeter, or stopwatch. 3 time taken as an element in competitive sports etc. (ran against the clock). 4 Brit. sl. a person's face. 5 a downy seed-head, esp. that of a dandelion. --v.tr. 1 colloq. a (often foll. by up) attain or register (a stated time, distance, or speed, esp. in a race). b time (a race) with a stopwatch. 2 Brit. sl. hit, esp. on the head. Phrases and idioms clock golf a game in which a golf ball is putted into a hole from successive points in a circle. clock in (or on) register one's arrival at work, esp. by means of an automatic recording clock. clock off (or out) register one's departure similarly. clock radio a combined radio and alarm clock. round the clock all day and (usu.) night. watch the clock = CLOCK-WATCH. Etymology: ME f. MDu., MLG klocke f. med.L clocca bell, perh. f. Celt. 2. n. an ornamental pattern on the side of a stocking or sock near the ankle. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English clok, from Middle Dutch ~e bell, ~, from Old French or Medieval Latin; Old French dialect (Picard) cloque bell, from Medieval Latin clocca, of Celtic origin; akin to Middle Irish clocc bell  Date: 14th century  1. a device other than a watch for indicating or measuring time commonly by means of hands moving on a dial; broadly any periodic system by which time is measured  2. a registering device usually with a dial; specifically odometer  3. time ~  4. a synchronizing device (as in a computer) that produces pulses at regular intervals  5. biological ~  II. verb  Date: 1883  transitive verb  1.  a. to time with a stopwatch or by an electric timing device  b. to be timed at  2. to register on a mechanical recording device wind velocities were ~ed at 80 miles per hour  3. to hit hard  4. chiefly British attain, realize — usually used with up just ~ed up a million…paperback sales — Punch  5.  a. to travel (a distance) over time ~s more than 15,000 miles a year on business  b. put in 3 ~ing long hours at the office  intransitive verb  1. to have a specified duration or speed — used with in the movie ~ed in at just under 3 hours; broadly to have a specified measure or value — used with in the meal ~ed at about $15  2. to register on a time sheet or time ~ ; punch — used with in, out, on, off he ~ed in late  • ~er noun  III. noun  Etymology: perhaps from 1~  Date: 1530 an ornamental figure on the ankle or side of a stocking or sock ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (clocks, clocking, clocked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A clock is an instrument, for example in a room or on the outside of a building, that shows what time of day it is. He was conscious of a clock ticking... He also repairs clocks and watches... ...a digital clock. N-COUNT 2. A time clock in a factory or office is a device that is used to record the hours that people work. Each worker puts a special card into the device when they arrive and leave, and the times are recorded on the card. Government workers were made to punch time clocks morning, noon and night. N-COUNT: oft n N 3. In a car, the clock is the instrument that shows the speed of the car or the distance it has travelled. (mainly BRIT) The car had 160,000 miles on the clock... N-COUNT: usu sing, the N 4. To clock a particular time or speed in a race means to reach that time or speed. Elliott clocked the fastest time this year for the 800 metres... VERB: V n 5. If something or someone is clocked at a particular time or speed, their time or speed is measured at that level. He has been clocked at 11 seconds for 100 metres... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed at amount 6. see also alarm clock, biological clock, body clock, cuckoo clock, grandfather clock, o’clock 7. If you are doing something against the clock, you are doing it in a great hurry, because there is very little time. The emergency services were working against the clock as the tide began to rise... It’s now become a race against the clock. PHRASE: PHR after v, n PHR 8. If something is done round the clock or around the clock, it is done all day and all night without stopping. Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists... PHRASE: PHR with v, PHR n 9. If you want to turn the clock back or put the clock back, you want to return to a situation that used to exist, usually because the present situation is unpleasant. In some ways we wish we could turn the clock back... We...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an instrument in a room or on a public building that shows what time it is  (The clock was ticking on the mantelpiece. | the clock strikes three/half past four etc)  (The church clock struck midnight. | the clock says... (=the clock shows a particular time) | by the hall/kitchen/church etc clock (=according to a particular clock))  (It's 4.30 by the kitchen clock. | wind (up) the clock (=turn a key in a clock so that it keeps working) | set the clock by sth (=change the time on a clock according to the time on the television, radio etc) | set the clock for sth (=turn a screw at the back of a clock so that it will ring at a certain time))  (Mary set her clock for 6.30 a.m | the clock is slow/fast (=used to show that the clock is showing an earlier or later time than the actual time))  (Your clock's ten minutes slow. | clock face (=the front part of a clock with the numbers on))  (- see also alarm-clock, carriage-clock, cuckoo-clock, grandfather-clock, -compare watch2 (1)) 2 put the clock (s) back especially BrE set the clock (s) back AmE to change the time shown on the clock to an earlier time, when the time changes officially 3 put the clock (s) forward BrE set the clock (s) ahead AmE to change the time shown on the clock to a later time, when the time changes officially 4 put/turn the clock back to go back to the ideas or methods tried before instead of doing things in a new or modern way  (The new employment bill will put the clock back fifty years.) 5 put the clock back/forward to remember a particular time in the past or imagine a time in the future  (It put the clock back forty years seeing that old Bette Davis movie.) 6 around the clock/round the clock BrE all day and all night without stopping  (Charles has been working round the clock preparing the case.) 7 against the clock a) if you work against the clock, you work as quickly as you can because you do not have much time  (We're working against the clock to get this proposal finished.) b) if you run, swim etc against the clock, you run or swim a particular...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1370, clokke, orig. "clock with bells," probably from M.Du. klocke, from M.L. (7c.) clocca "bell," from Celt., probably spread by Irish missionaries, ultimately of imitative origin. Replaced O.E. dжgmжl, from dжg "day" + mжl "measure, mark." The slang verb sense of "hit, sock" is 1920s, originally Australian, probably from earlier slang clock (n.) "face." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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